Introduction of project Prasaga

David Tuna | Review Project
7 min readJan 24, 2021


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is one of the most promising markets in blockchain technology. The demand for financial services on decentralized technology is increasing. The optimistic expectations about the potential of this technology are proven by the fact that the key value in DeFi has increased by around 250% since the beginning of 2020. Typically innovations on the Ethereum network allow users loan and loan, easily exchange and transact values.

However, DeFi is still primitive in terms of the value it can deliver. Aside from the endless possibilities across different protocols, there are still many problems to be addressed in these protocols. Therefore, there is a need for an application that can make entering the DeFi market as simple as logging into an exchange and exchanging assets, where users can access all of their lending needs. , loans and deposits.

Therefore, Prasaga is born as the next step forward of blockchain with features that can break current barriers and the data warehouses that business models create and open access to all. bridge.

Prasaga brought together a collaborative community of developers, miners, and token holders across all platforms and social media to come together to develop an easy DataGrid Blockchain. Faster and easier to use with most digital devices.

  1. The project was developed with the following goals:
    1. Open decentralized access
    2. Optimal scaling to release the transaction speed needed for the present and the future
    3. Personalization controls to ensure personal democratic freedom and data privacy
    4. The DGB is designed for the general purposes of blockchain including cryptocurrencies and business relationship models from simple to complex and globally scalable. However, the DGB is not a smart contract executed on top of any other existing blockchain technology.

2. Each cryptocurrency project has a special technology and Prasaga, too, is developing a parallel transaction processing technology with two main features:

  • The DataGrid Blockchain (DGB) consensus protocol combines two protocols, Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS), allowing custom and split blockchains to run in parallel and from that can process all transactions in parallel while maintaining Bitcoin level security.
  • DGB is envisioned as a general purpose blockchain, a “horizontal” infrastructure technology, we believe its first use cases are Internet-of-Things applications and applications. “Fintech”. In both cases, the ability to create and track complex business relationships and business logic in an open, but secure way are fundamental requirements.

3. Project Prasaga has created a great product on their technology that is XBOM- the open blockchain object model with the following features:

  • The Extended Block Chain Object Model (XBOM) uses the “first class” object model to instantiate classes on the DGB, loading the code for the classes. XBOM designed a bottom-up system to promote code inheritance and allow for exponential improvement. Since XBOM explicitly uses code already loaded on the DGB, the chances for individual code errors are significantly reduced and the carrying of the XBOM object is clearly stored in each user’s account state.
  • The XBOM architecture will provide many additional functions that are not supported by existing Smart Contracts. In the XBOM structure, each account is essentially its own virtual world, where all assets and data are under its own control. This allows for an open, permissionless blockchain ecosystem and private chain.
  • XBOM allows accounts to hold assets or digitally in accounts on the blockchain.

Currently XBOM — Class Manager Infrastructure (CMI) on HyperLedger is being deployed in the Testnet stage.

4. Prasaga has been formulated to serve the following main users:
1. Equipment Manufacturers — Equipment manufacturers will have the opportunity to integrate with Prasaga as part of the manufacturing process. That way, Smart IoT devices can be supported by Prasaga, making it simple for device owners to start leveraging their data.
2. System Integration Tools — Systems Integrators will drive the initial Prasaga adoption because they have access to device manufacturers, device owners, and companies using Smart IoT devices.
3. AI and Machine Learning (ML) Companies — AI and ML companies require large amounts of data to train their algorithms. These algorithms are only smart when the data they are provided for, so reliable real-time data available on the DGB will help drive greater innovation.
4. Companies — Any company with a Smart IoT device can leverage Prasaga for anonymity and real-time data exchange without traditional IoT-related security risks.

Data Brokers — As more IoT Smart devices are connected, data brokers will be able to purchase data streams from devices owned by companies and people, repackaging , then sell them to consumer data.

5. Token Metrics
DataGrid Token (DGT) Overview

DGT is a mined Native Token that functions similar to Ethereum.


  • Create incentive rewards for miners’ block production
  • DGT’s money management policy is the approach to coin supply management to improve the stability of DGT.

DGT is not a token built on smart contracts like ERC 20 or similar.

Token Allocation

  • Early token holders: 17%, unlocked 6% monthly when listing on DeFi
  • Platforms and partners: 4.6%, 35% unlocked monthly when listing on DeFi
  • Tokens for Sale: 6.77%, unlocked 28% monthly when listing on DeFi
  • Platform for community: 29%, unlock 18% monthly when listing on DeFi
    Advisory: 3.75%, unlocked 1% monthly when listing on DeFi
  • Teams and founder: 37%, unlock 4% monthly when listing on DeFi
  • Marketing and business development: 9%, unlocked 7% monthly when listing on DeFi

Token allocation

Token listing

Private Sale Round
During the personal presale, tokens will be unlocked for 3 months after the Liquidity Bootstrap Pool.
20% will be added to transactions above 150 ETH and an additional 10% for initiation of 80 ETH transactions.
Community Presale has a minimum bonus of ¼ ETH and an additional 5%.
Once Community Sale is completed, it will run the Liquidity Bootstrap Pool program on the Balancer.

6. Team members
Michael Holdmann: CEO at Prasaga. He is the founder of one of the world’s first ASPs (old Cloud technology) and a product developer of VPN, MPLS and GTM project initiator for US, APAC and LTAM. Previously worked at IEEE / ISO / IEC and UPnP Forum to lead XMPP’s international standards for both customers and businesses providing security systems and services, transferring data over the internet.
David Beberman: CTO at Prasaga. He has 30 years of experience in marketing, sales and management.
Jeanette Seng: COO at Prasaga. She was the CBO of Everest, a free global device access solutions company, including EverChain, a diversified electronic wallet. In addition, she has experience in business development activities of the company APAC / Global Consultant.
Jay Moore: CMO at Prasaga. He served as Co-founder of BitRader and Partner of GarageGames and co-coordinated Indie Game Con `02-’05. He is a consultant and speaker at Digital Kid’s / ToyFair 2015, Game Developers Conference / GDC SF & Austin, Electronic Entertainment Expo / e3, LA Games Conf., LOGIN and Casual Connect SF / Asia, IGDA Summit.

7. Investors and partners
Hyperledger Foundation: Behind is The Linux Foundation, a tiered ecosystem used by Oracle, IBM, and several corresponding blockchain platforms.
Industrial Internet Consortium: connecting businesses creates an environment that supports the growth of the internet industry.
Digital Twin Consortium: a global ecosystem between physical and digital, for businesses that want to expand on digital twins.
BlockPass: provides digital identity services for businesses including operating models in DeFi systems, e-wallets, virtual banks, …

8. Development roadmap
Year 2020
Release product demos and videos using XBOM on Hyperledger Fabric
Release the Testnet development environment of XBOM
Estonian AS Register
Prepare Pre-sale

Year 2021
Running LBP
Uniswap Pools
Partner with non-profit smart city networks, start-ups

Year 2022
Run Fullnet
Consensus administration
IoT message server

9. Prasaga has an ecosystem that includes:
Prasaga Enterprise: in Malta, is the official source of Data Grid Tokens (DGT)
Prasaga Foundation: in Sweden, is a non-profit network management organization
Prasaga Institute: in Las Vegas HQ, is an organization for community development and commerce.

10. Conclude
Prasaga is a project that has a solid ecosystem and has a certain global coverage. According to the project’s money supply roadmap, the project is moving towards a decentralized monetary policy and empowering the community so that in a direction that can ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem. Currently the project is in the stage of preparing for public sale, so if you are interested in tokens, this is the right time to learn about the project and make wise investment choices.

This is not an investment advisory article, this is an analysis of the project for the community to consult and learn more deeply, so we will not be responsible for any problems encountered in the investment process. Any investment opportunity also has certain potential risks, so we hope that everyone can carefully consider each investment decision to get the highest probability of success.

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David Tuna | Review Project
David Tuna | Review Project

Written by David Tuna | Review Project

Review Project ICO,IEO,Exchange.. Contact Info: Telegram: @Tuna_Duong2

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