Latest decentralized financial platform KingSwap
2020 is one of the most volatile years of the Cryptocurrency industry with many new platform projects such as Defi, Farm … creating one of the powerful waves covering the entire Cryptocurrency industry, such as The inevitable trend of the decentralized financial platform era is to create a transparent, open-source, and unauthorized financial services ecosystem that can be accessed and operated by everyone. without any central authority to intervene. Users will have full control of their assets and interact with this ecosystem through peer-to-peer (P2P) applications, decentralized applications (dapps).
The main benefit of DeFi is to make it easier to access financial services, especially for those who do not have access to the existing financial system. Another potential advantage of DeFi is a modular framework built on top of DeFi applications — interoperable on public blockchains, possibly creating financial markets, products and services. new brand.
Today, you and I learn about the completely new DeFi platform called: King Swap with its useful features. KingSwap was founded by a team of experienced leaders in the banking, finance and crypto sectors, including Dr. Anish Mohammed, who advises and works for companies including HSBC, Lloyds and Zurich, is also the original advisor to Ripple and Ocean Protocol; Dunstan Teo, Chief Architect of Fido Consciousness and President of Sanctum Pte Ltd .; and Ho Chin Shin, who previously served as a director at Standard Chartered Bank; Nomura, Japan’s largest investment bank; and Bank of Singapore.
With all of the above today we are going to learn about this amazing background?
What is King Swap?
KingSwap is the newest decentralized finance (DeFi) liquidity pool platform that is a further and better evolution of UniSwap. In addition to offering off-ramp fiat currency converting solutions to allow users great convenience between the fiat and cryptocurrency worlds.
KingSwap has also added some new Blockchain community-oriented features to the Uniswap’s core design, which will help boom the technology and provide user-friendly real-time benefits in terms of price curves and contributor rewards. Our protocol design offers to align incentives for the users by introducing strategies like pool rewards & network effects.
Special features of King Swap
Kingswap has a lot of very interesting features like NFT. You can buy for sale very easily. There will be a boom in the next few months in the DeFi field. And now it looks like NFTs has taken over and become the focus of blockchain. Kingswap is the first Dex Platform and where we collect the NFT. Trial Kingswap NFT GameFi. And more people will be coming to the world of DEFI, and Kingswap NFT will be introduced in new ways.
● 1-Light user interface: King Swap has also provided a simple yet very functional user interface to make your trading experience better.
● 2 — Administration: KING KingSwap token is used for management, shareholders can receive cash and KING discounts by voting.
● 3 — Multiple Dex: KingSwap uses some DEX as a static protocol.
● 4 — KING Token: Indicator for KING tokens on the platform. That would be a mining operation.
How does KingSwap work?
As there is no order book or any centralized party required to make trades, you might be wondering how trades happen without a third party. Well, KingSwap works with a model that involves liquidity providers creating liquidity pools. This model provides a decentralized pricing mechanism that efficiently smooths out third party depth. Here is how KingSwap works.
KING tokens infomation
Kingswap is a fork of the Uniswap protocol, but adds many improvements and features. For example, after the liquidity pool migration, Kingswap will add Layer 2 and Layer 3 implementations that are technological developments. There are also legal certainty, and fiat off-ramp improvements over Uniswap and Sushiswap.
- Token Name: KING tokens
- Ticker: KING
- Blockchain: Ethereum
- Contract: 0x5a731151d6510eb475cc7a0072200cffc9a3bfe5
- Token type: Utility .
- Token Standard: ERC-20
- Total Supply: 1 Billion
- Circulating Supply: Not yet circulating in the market.
Token distribution
If you are a liquidity provider in Uniswap groups or you are still looking for a great platform to invest and monetize, you can learn more about this amazing platform. There they designed the token distribution mechanism in a super easy and adaptive way so that existing Uniswap and other compatible liquidity providers switch to their protocol.
For starters, anyone holding King Tokens can be a liquidity provider in the list of respective pools. When they stake those tokens, they will start earning tokens and rewards with a massive reward ratio of 10,000 tokens per block! King Tokens on each block will be distributed under the smart contract and greatly benefit the backed group’s liquidity providers. King Token will also be distributed in LP yield farming and mining business traders.
The benefits that King Swap brings
King is KingSwap’s native token. As you contribute to the liquidity pool and stay there longer, you earn King Tokens. In the UniSwap protocol, 0.3% of all transaction fees in any given pool are allocated accordingly to the group’s liquidity providers. We make Kingswap cheaper for exchangers and only take 0.25% of the transaction fees on the app sender’s platform. By our design, 0.2% goes directly to the active liquidity providers, while the remaining 0.05% is converted back to KING through KingSwap and distributed to owners. Organic token KING.
KingSwap Staking program
King tokens square measure planned on High Yield Farming & Staking disc Token Model, that square measure given as remunerations for liquidity mining. The symbolic at that time permits its holders to partake and stay longer within the administration of the stage and even qualifies them for remunerations.
Early Liquidity providers will earn tributes from Kingswap, migration of the liquidity pools. There will be some surprise for early supporters who purchase Kingswap NFTs after the launch of KingSwap & also for early liquidity providers. Earn $KING tokens when you stake your $KING with us! Higher rewards earning from staking, and more merchant benefits such as: free spotify, Netflix etc.
The most popular betting formula at the moment is: Issue daily = Daily deduction from miner pool * Fixed price / Total fixed price. For Blockchain-savvy people they can easily get all the financial rewards and pointless product sales. Creating a ruthless, silly game will not have long-term value coupled with an increase in farming activity .. those projects will be of great interest to farmers joining the DeFi ecosystem. To solve this problem, KingSwap has built a Liquidity Mining method with a custom algorithm.
Road Map
1.Oct 2020
-Pre-Sale NFTs Token
2.Oct 2020
- Kingswap Launch
- High Yield Rewards Program Start!
3. Nov 2020
-Liquidity Migration
4. Nov 2020
-Governance Token & Layer 2 Upgrade Introduction
5. Nov 2020–2021 Q1
-More Exclusive Deals for Token Holders
Team DEV
With the above information that I mentioned, we all emphasize the importance of the Defi platform at the moment, at KingSwap is adopting a new method that will benefit all. Investors. In addition to the aforementioned advantages and features, KingSwap developers also offer participants plenty of features and active opportunities in their investment space. This is a very easy way to mine on KING token platform and utility using Defi service, which will increase the demand for KING Token in the market, so the price of King token will increase strongly. However, projects running on the Defi platform also have many unfortunate limitations, along with recent hacks related to Defi platform apps that have caught the attention of projects. Consider the security and benefits of this platform. With everything I mentioned in this post, I hope you will have your own review of this amazing platform, and you will also find the opportunity itself.
Thank you all for watching and see you in the new review!
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